Donate to support WIIP’s activities and our emerging Donor Advised Fund

You can easily make a tax-deductible donation to support Wharton Impact Investing Partners’ operations and its Donor Advised Fund. Just click on the button below to be redirected to a PayPal page. Enter the amount you are able to donate and the receipt will be sent to your e-mail. We welcome contributions of any amount. Specifically:

  • Donations above $100 will be included in our donor’s list.

  • Donations above $1,000 will grant the donor access to WIIP’s portfolio updates.

Donations will be processed through the Wharton Graduate Association, a 501(c)3 organization under which WIIP is housed.

Individuals, Impact Investors, Foundations and Firms interested in becoming an anchor donor to our fund (minimum contribution of $25K), please reach out to the WIIP Co-Presidents.